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Vital Call: MPs want post-Brexit UK to keep to EU’s main chemicals law REACH

The UK House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has today published the report of its inquiry on chemicals regulation after the EU referendum, which particularly focussed on the EU’s world-leading REACH system for regulating chemicals. The EAC criticise the UK Government’s lack of openness about its post-Brexit plans, and point out that most respondents want the UK to remain ‘as closely aligned to REACH as possible‘.

The EAC’s main conclusions

    • The chemicals regulation framework established by the EU through REACH is difficult to transpose directly into UK law. Writing EU regulations into UK law could not be done simply by having a line in the “Great Repeal Bill” deeming REACH to apply in the UK. REACH was written from the perspective of participants being within the EU, with much of it also relating to Member State co-operation and mutual obligations, oversight and controls, and freedom of movement of products

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Reaching women around the world with our toolkit poster

We’re delighted to see our October TOOLKIT poster has been translated into German and shared by colleagues in the USA and Canada. In Australia, we’re especially happy that our colleague Di Ward has been able to push the Toolkit out to a number of the key organisations in her home country with a very positive response from the Australian Women’s Health Network – a leading nationwide voice on such matters.  In Scotland, our colleagues at Challenge Breast Cancer Scotland were recently at the Scottish TUC annual conference  and found the resource an invaluable way in to explain to the general public just what our concerns are and we all need to be better informed on this issue.

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